TRC Report Online


Primary Sources

1. Truth and Reconciliation Commission Databases

The endnotes of this report often commence with the abbreviation TRC, followed by one of the following abbreviations: ASAGR, AVS, CAR, IRSSA, NRA, RBS, and LAC. The documents so cited are located in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s database. At the end of each of these endnotes, in square brackets, is the document identification number for each of these documents. The following is a brief description of each database.

Active and Semi-Active Government Records (ASAGR) Database: The Active and Semi-Active Government Records database contains active and semi-active records collected from federal governmental departments that potentially intersected with the administration and management of the residential school system. Documents that were relevant to the history and/or legacy of the system were disclosed to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) in keeping with the federal government’s obligations in relation to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA). Some of the other federal government departments included, but were not limited to, the Department of Justice, Health Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and National Defence. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada undertook the responsibility of centrally collecting and producing the records from these other federal departments to the TRC.

Audio/Video Statement (AVS) Database: The Audio/Video Statement database contains video and audio statements provided to the TRC at community hearings and regional and national events held by the TRC, as well as at other special events attended by the TRC.

Church Archival Records (CAR) Database: The Church Archival Records database contains records collected from the different church/religious entities that were involved in administration and management of residential schools. The church/religious entities primarily included, but were not limited to, entities associated with the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church of Canada, the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and the United Church of Canada. The records were collected as part of the TRC’s mandate, as set out in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, to “identify sources and create as complete an historical record as possible of the IRS system and legacy.”

Indian Residential Schools School Authority (IRSSA) Database: The Indian Residential Schools School Authority database is comprised of individual records related to each residential school, as set out by the IRSSA.

National Research and Analysis (NRA) Database: The National Research and Analysis database contains records collected by the National Research and Analysis Directorate, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, formerly Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada (irsrc). The records in the database were originally collected for the purpose of research into a variety of allegations, such as abuse in residential schools, and primarily resulted from court processes such as civil and criminal litigation, and later the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA), as well as from out-of-court processes such as Alternative Dispute Resolution. A majority of the records were collected from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. The collection also contains records from other federal departments and religious entities. In the case of some records in the database that were provided by outside entities, the information in the database is incomplete. In those instances, the endnotes in the report reads, “No document location, no document file source.”

Red, Black and School Series (RBS) Database: The Red, Black and School Series database contains records provided by Library and Archives Canada to the TRC. These three sub-series contain records that were originally part of the “Headquarters Central Registry System,” or records management system, for departments that preceded the current federal department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. The archival records are currently related to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development fonds and are held as part of Library and Archives Canada’s collection.

Library and Archives Canada (LACAR) Archival Records Container and Document Databases: The LAC Records Container (and Document databases contain records collected from Library and Archives Canada (LAC). The archival records of federal governmental departments that potentially intersected with the administration and management of Indian Residential Schools were held as part of Library and Archives Canada’s collection. Documents that were relevant to the history and/or legacy of the Indian Residential School system were initially collected by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, in conjunction with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, as part of their mandate, as set out in the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement. The collection of records was later continued by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, based on federal government’s obligation to disclose documents in relation to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.

2. Indian Affairs Annual Reports, 1864–1997

Within this report, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs denotes the published annual reports created by the Government of Canada, and relating to Indian Affairs over the period from 1864 to 1997.

The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development was created in 1966. In 2011, it was renamed Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development. Before 1966, different departments were responsible for the portfolios of Indian Affairs and Northern Affairs.

The departments responsible for Indian Affairs were (in chronological order):

The exact titles of Indian Affairs annual reports changed over time, and were named for the department.

3. Library and Archives Canada

RG10 (Indian Affairs Records Group): The records of RG10 at Library and Archives Canada are currently part of the R216, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development fonds. For clarity and brevity, in footnotes throughout this report, records belonging to the RG10 Records Group have been identified simply with their RG10 information. Where a copy of an RG10 document held in a TRC database was used, the TRC database holding that copy is clearly identified, along with the RG10 information connected with the original document.

4. Other Archives

Provincial Archives of British Columbia.

United Church of Canada Archives.

5. Government Publications

Audette, L. A. Report on The Commission, under Part II of the Inquiries Act, to investigate and report the circumstances in connection with the alleged flogging of Indian pupils recently at Shubenacadie, in The Province of Nova Scotia, 17 September 1934.

Australia. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. “Closing the Gap – The Prime Minister’s Report 2015.”

Berger, Thomas R. Northern Frontier, Northern Homeland: The Report of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, Volume 1. Ottawa: Supply and Services Canada, 1977.

Brennan, Shannon. “Violent victimization of Aboriginal women in the Canadian provinces, 2009.” Juristat, 17 May 2011. Catalogue no. 85-002-x. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2011.

British Columbia. Ministry of Justice, Corrections Branch, Aboriginal Programs and Relationships. Inclusivity: Strategic Plan 2012–2016.

British Columbia. Office of the Provincial Health Officer. “Health, Crime and Doing Time: Potential Impacts of the Safe Streets and Communities Act (Former Bill C-10) on the Health and Well-Being of Aboriginal People in B.C.” Vancouver: Office of the Provincial Health Officer, 2013.

Bryce, P. H. Report on the Indian Schools of Manitoba and the North-West Territories. Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1907.

Brzozowski, Jodi-Anne, Andrea Taylor-Butts, and Sara Johnson. “Victimization and offending among the Aboriginal population in Canada.” Juristat 26, no. 3 (2006). Catalogue no. 85-002-XIE. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2006.

Canada. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. “Canada’s Endorsement of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.”

Canada. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. “Commemoration 2011–2012 – Project Descriptions.”

Canada. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. “Commemoration 2012–2013 – Project Descriptions.”

Canada. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. “Remembering the Past: A Window to the Future.”

Canada. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development. “Canada’s Statement of Support on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.” 12 November 2010.

Canada. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development. “Jordan’s Principle.” 2014).

Canada. Auditor General of Canada. 2011 Status Report of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons. Chapter Four: Programs for First Nations on Reserves. Ottawa: Office of the Auditor General of Canada, 2011.

Canada. Canadian Human Rights Commission. Report on Equality Rights of Aboriginal People. Ottawa: Government of Canada, 2013.

Canada. Department of Canadian Heritage. 2012–2013 Report on Plans and Priorities. Ottawa: Canadian Heritage, 2012.

Canada. Department of Justice. Youth Justice Research, A One-Day Snapshot of Aboriginal Youth in Custody Across Canada: Phase II. Ottawa: Department of Justice, February 2004.

Canada. Governor General David Johnson. Speech delivered at the Symposium in Honour of the Royal Proclamation of 1763. Gatineau, Quebec. 7 October 2013. 2014).

Canada. Indian Residential Schools Adjudication Secretariat. “Adjudication Secretariat Statistics, from September 19, 2007 to January 31, 2015.” 2015).

Canada. Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. Schedule N. 2015).

Canada. Law Commission of Canada. Restoring Dignity: Responding to Child Abuse in Canadian Institutions. Ottawa: Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2000.

Canada. Library and Archives Canada. “Aboriginal Heritage.”

Canada. Library and Archives Canada. “Collection Development Framework.” 30 March 2005.

Canada. Library and Archives Canada. “Conducting Research on Residential Schools: A Guide to the Records of the Indian and Inuit Affairs Program and Related Resources at Library and Archives Canada.”

Canada. Library and Archives Canada. “Native Residential Schools: A Selective Bibliography.”

Canada. Library and Archives Canada. “The Legacy of the Residential School System in Canada: A Selective Bibliography.” August 2009.

Canada. Library and Archives Canada. Media release. “New Exhibition Reflecting the Uniqueness of the Inuit Experience of Residential Schools Launched at Library and Archives Canada.” 4 March 2009.

Canada. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship. 2012. 2015).

Canada. Parks Canada. “Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada.”

Canada. Parliament. House of Commons Debates, 2 November 2006 (Bev Oda, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women).

Canada. Parliament. House of Commons. Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage. 41st Parliament, 1st Session, 5 June 2013.

Canada. Parliament. Senate. Debates, 11 June 2009.

Canada. Parliament. Senate. Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples. Reforming First Nations Education: From Crisis to Hope. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 2011.

Canada. Parliament. Senate. Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Language Rights in Canada’s North: Nunavut’s New Official Languages Act: Final Report. Ottawa: Senate Committees Directorate, June 2009.

Canada. Parliament. Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons appointed to examine and consider the Indian Act. Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence, 1946–1948.

Canada. Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations. “Canada’s Statement on the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples Outcome Document.” New York, 22 September 2014. 2015).

Canada. Prime Minister Stephen Harper. “Statement of Apology – to former students of Indian Residential Schools.” 11 June 2008.

Canada. Public Safety Canada, Aboriginal Corrections Policy Unit. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the Criminal Justice System. 2010.

Canada. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women: A National Operational Overview. Cat. no.: PS64-115/2014E-PDF, 2014. 2014).

Canada. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Highlights from the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: People to People, Nation to Nation. Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1996.

Canada. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Ottawa: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1996.

Canada. Statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy. Presented to the first session of the 28th Parliament by the Honourable Jean Chrétien, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1969.

Canada. Statistics Canada. “2006 Census Inuit Tables.” Catalogue no. 89-636-x.

Canada. Statistics Canada. “Aboriginal People in Canada: First Nations People, Metis and Inuit.” National Household Survey, 2011. Catalogue no. 99-011-X2011001. Ottawa: Ministry of Industry, 2013.

Canada. Statistics Canada. “Aboriginal Peoples and Language.” National Household Survey (NHS), 2011. Catalogue no. 99-011-X2011003.

Canada. Statistics Canada. “Fact Sheet – 2011 National Household Survey Aboriginal Demographics, Educational Attainment and Labour Market Outcomes.” 15 August 2013.

Canada. Statistics Canada. “Mortality rates among children and teenagers living in Inuit Nunangat, 1994 to 2008.” Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2012.

Canada. Statistics Canada. “Population reporting an Aboriginal identity, by mother tongue, by province and territory (2006 Census).” 16 January 2008.

Canada. Statistics Canada. “Select health indicators of First Nations people living off reserve, Métis and Inuit, 2007 to 2010.” 29 January 2013.

Canada. Statistics Canada. “The Educational Attainment of Aboriginal People in Canada.” National Household Survey, 2011. Catalogue no. 99-012-X2011003.

Canada. Statistics Canada. “Youth Court Statistics 2011/2012.” The Daily, 13 June 2013.

Canada. Statistics Canada. Educational Portrait of Canada, Census Year 2006. Catalogue no. 97560-XIE2006001. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2006.

Canadian Museum of Civilization and the Canadian War Museum. “Research Strategy.” 15 July 2013.

Council of Ministers of Education. “Education Ministers Signal Transformation Key to the Future.” Press Release. 9 July 2014.

Davin, Nicholas Flood. Report on Industrial Schools for Indians and Half-Breeds. Report produced for the Minister of the Interior. Ottawa: 1879.

Eyford, Douglas R. “Forging Partnerships, Building Relationships: Aboriginal Canadians and Energy Development.” Report to the Prime Minister, November 2013. 2015).

Fraser, R. D. “Section B: Vital Statistics and Health.” In Historical Statistics of Canada, edited by F. H. Leachy. Second edition. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 1983.

Indian and Métis Conference, Committee of the Community Welfare Planning Council. Survey of Canadian History Textbooks. Winnipeg: Submission to the Curriculum Revision Committee, Manitoba Department of Education, 1964.

LeBeuf, Marcel-Eugène. The Role of the RCMP during the Indian Residential School System. Ottawa: Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 2011.

MacPherson, Patricia, and Albert Chudley. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in a correctional population: Prevalence, screening, and characteristics. Ottawa: Correctional Service of Canada, 2011.

Maire, Sinha, editor. “Measuring Violence Against Women: Statistical Trends.” Catalogue no. 85002-X. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2013.

Mitten, H. Rae. “Section 9: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the Justice System.” The First Nations and Métis Justice Reform Commission Final Report, Volume II. January 2004.

Munch, Christopher. “Youth correctional statistics in Canada, 2010/2011.” Juristat. Catalogue no. 85‐002‐X. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2012. <>.

Norris, Mary Jane. “Aboriginal Languages in Canada: Emerging Trends and Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition.” Catalogue No. 11-008. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2007.

Perreault, Samuel. “Admissions to Youth Correctional Services in Canada 2011–2012.” Juristat, 2014. Catalogue no. 85-002-x. Ottawa: Statisitics Canada, 2014.

Perreault, Samuel. “Adult Correctional Services in Canada 2011-2012.” Juristat. Catalogue no. 85-002-x. Ottawa: Statisitics Canada, 2014.

Perreault, Samuel. “Violent victimization of Aboriginal people in the Canadian provinces, 2009.” Juristat. Catalogue no. 85-002-X. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2011. pub/85-002-x/2011001/article/11415-eng.pdf.

Quebec. Rapport de la Commission royale d’enquête sur l’enseignement dans la province de Québec. Quebec: Government of Quebec, 1966. 2012).

Reed, Micheline, and Peter Morrison. “Adult Correctional Services in Canada 1995–96.” Juristat 17, no. 4. Catalogue no. 85-002-XPE. Ottawa: Statisitics Canada, 1997.

Rosenthal, Jeffrey S. “Statistical Analysis of Deaths at Residential Schools: Conducted on behalf of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.” January 2015.

Ryerson, Egerton. “Report on Industrial Schools, 26 May 1847.” In Statistics Respecting Indian Schools. Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1898.

Ryerson, Egerton. Report on a System for Public Elementary Instruction for Upper Canada. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada. Montreal: Lovell & Gibson, 1847.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and the University of Manitoba. Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Trust Deed, 21 June 2013.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. “Atlantic National Event Concept Paper.” Halifax, Nova Scotia, 26–29 October 2011.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. “Centre for Truth and Reconciliation Administrative Agreement.”

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Educating our Youth (video). 19 September 2013. 2014).

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Interim Report. Winnipeg: Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, 2012.

United States. Board of Indian Commissioners. Eighteenth Annual Report of the Board of Indian Commissioners, 1886. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1887.

United States. Department of the Interior, Office of the Solicitor. Solicitor’s Opinions on Native American Issues.

Ziestsma, Danielle. “Aboriginal People Living Off-reserve and the Labour Market: Estimates from the Labour Force Survey, 2008–2009.” Catalogue no. 710588-X, no. 2. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2010.

6. Legislation

Act to amend the Museums Act in order to establish the Canadian Museum of History, Statutes of Canada, 2013, chapter 38.

An Act respecting Indians [Indian Act], Statutes of Canada 1951, chapter 29, sections 113–122, 169–172.

Broadcasting Act, Statutes of Canada 1991, chapter 11.

Corrections and Conditional Release Act, Statutes of Canada 1992, chapter 20.

Criminal Code, Statutes of Canada, 1985, chapter C-46.

Great Britain. Rupert’s Land and North-Western Territory Order (Order of Her Majesty in Council Admitting Rupert’s Land and the North-Western Territory into the Union), 23 June 1870. Schedule A, Rupert’s Land Act 1868, 31–32 Vict., chapter 105 (U.K.).

Historic Sites and Monuments Act, Statutes of Canada 1985, chapter H4.

Museums Act, Statutes of Canada 1990, chapter 3, section 3.

Physical Activity and Sport Act, Statutes of Canada 2003, chapter 2.

Public Schools Act, Statutes of Manitoba 1954, chapter 215, pages 923–1,114.

Safe Streets and Communities Act, Statutes of Canada 2012, chapter 1.

Youth Criminal Justice Act, Statutes of Canada 2002, chapter 1, section 38(1).

Cloud v. Canada (Attorney General) [2004] OJ 4924, 247 DLR (4th) 667.

Delgamuukw v. British Columbia [1997] 3 SCR 1010.

Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General) [2011] ONSC 4938.

Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General) [2013] ONSC 684.

Grassy Narrows First Nation v. Ontario (Natural Resources) [2014] SCC 48.

Guerin v. R. [1984] 2 SCR.

Haida Nation v. British Columbia (Minister of Forests) [2004] 3 SCR 511.

Manitoba Métis Nation Inc. v. Canada (Attorney General) [2013] SCC 14.

Mikisew Cree First Nation v. Canada (Minister of Canadian Heritage) [2005] 3 SCR 388, [2005] SCC69.

Pictou Landing Band Council v. Canada (Attorney General) [2013] FC 342.

R. v. Comeau [1998] NWTJ 34 (NTSC).

R. v. Constant [2005] Man. QB (Dauphin) (CR03-05-00069).

R. v. Frappier [1990] YJ 163 (Terr. Ct.).

R. v. Gladue [1999] 1 SCR 688.

R. v. Hands [1996] OJ 264.

R. v. Harris [2002] BCCA 152.

R. v. Ipeelee [2012] 1 SCR 433, [2012] SCC 13.

R. v. Leroux [1998] NWTJ 139 (SC).

R. v. Plint [1995] BCJ 3060 (BCSC).

R. v. Smickle [2012] ONSC 602.

R. v. Sparrow [1990] 1 SCR 1075.

R. v. Vanderpeet [1996] 2 SCR 507.

R. v. Maczynski [1997] CanLII 2491 (BCCA) (appeal of sentence).

Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. v. Carrier Sekani Tribal Council [2010] SCC 43, [2010] 2 SCR 650.

S. L. v. Commission scolaire des Chênes [2012] SCC 7.

Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia [2014] SCC 44.

8. Other Sources

de Greiff, Pablo. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparations and guarantees on non-recurrence. New York: United Nations General Assembly, Human Rights Council, 2012.

United Nations General Assembly. “Outcome Document of the high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly know as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.” 25 September 2014. 2015).

United Nations General Assembly. “Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, James Anaya, The Situation of Indigenous Peoples in Canada.”

United Nations General Assembly. “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.” Adopted by the General Assembly, 2 October 2007. 2015).

United Nations General Assembly. Human Rights Council. UN Expert Mechanism of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. “Access to justice in the promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples.” 29 April 2013. 2015).

United Nations Global Compact. “A Business Reference Guide: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.” New York: UN Global Compact, 2013. 2015).

United Nations. Committee on the Rights of the Child. “Concluding observations on the combined third and fourth periodic report of Canada, adopted by the Committee at its sixty-first session (17 September–5 October 2012).”

United Nations. Economic and Social Council. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. “Study on the impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery on indigenous peoples, including mechanisms, processes, and instruments of redress.” Thirteen Session, New York, 12–23 May 2014. 2015).

United Nations. Human Rights Council. “Report of the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Farida Shaheed. Memorialization processes.” 23 January 2014.

United Nations. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 27.

United Nations. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. “Study on the impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery on indigenous peoples, including mechanisms, processes and instruments of redress.” New York, 24 February 2014. 2015).

United Nations. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Joint Statement of the Assembly of First Nations, Chiefs of Ontario, Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee), Amnesty International, and the Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers), KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives to 11th session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, New York, 7–18 May 2012. 2015).

United Nations. Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See. Statement to Economic and Social Council, 9th session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on Agenda item 7: Discussion on the reports “Impact on Indigenous Peoples of the International Legal construct known as the Doctrine of Discovery, which has served as the Foundation of the Violation of the Human Rights” and “Indigenous Peoples and Boarding Schools: A Comparative Study.” New York, 27 April 2010. 2015).

United Nations. UN Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See. “A Short History of the Diplomacy of the Holy See.”

Vatican. Communiqué of the Holy See Press Office. 29 April 2009. 2015).

Vatican. Pastoral Letter of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to the Catholics of Ireland, 19 March 2010. 2014).

Secondary Sources

1. Books and Published Reports

Aboriginal Peoples’ Television Network. Annual Report. 2013.

Ahenakew, Edward. Voices of the Plains Cree. Edited by Ruth M. Buck. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1973.

Alfred, Gerald (Taiaiake). Heeding the Voices of Our Ancestors: Kahnawake Mohawk Politics and the Rise of Native Nationalism. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1995.

Amagoalik, John. Changing the Face of Canada: The Life Story of John Amagoalik. Edited by Louis McComber. Life Stories of Northern Leaders 2. Iqaluit: Nunavut Arctic College, 2007.

Anderson, Mark Cronlund, and Carmen L. Robertson. Seeing Red: A History of Natives in Canadian Newspapers. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2011.

Archibald, Linda, with Jonathan Dewar, Carrie Reid, and Vanessa Stevens. Dancing, Singing, Painting, and Speaking the Healing Story: Healing through Creative Arts. Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2012.

Armitage, David. The Ideological Origins of the British Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Assembly of First Nations. “IndigenACTION: Phase One: Roundtable Report.” 2012.

Assembly of First Nations. Assembly of First Nations Report on Canada’s Dispute Resolution Plan to Compensate for Abuses in Indian Residential Schools. Ottawa: Assembly of First Nations, 2004.

Assembly of First Nations. Breaking the Silence: An Interpretive Study of Residential School Impact and Healing as Illustrated by the Stories of First Nation Individuals. Ottawa: Assembly of First Nations, 1994.

Assembly of First Nations. National Panel on First Nation Elementary and Secondary Education for Students on Reserve. Nurturing the Learning Spirit of First Nation Students. National Assembly of First Nations, 2012.

Assembly of First Nations. Royal Commission Aboriginal Peoples at 10 Years: A Report Card. Ottawa: Assembly of First Nations, 2006.

Auger, Donald J. Indian Residential Schools in Ontario. Ontario: Nishnawbe Aski Nation, 2005.

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Banner, Stuart. How the Indians Lost Their Land: Law and Power on the Frontier. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2005.

Barkan, Elazar, and Alexander Karn, eds. Taking Wrongs Seriously: Apologies and Reconciliation. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2006.

Barron, Laurie F. Walking in Indian Moccasins: The Native Policies of Tommy Douglas and the CCF. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1997.

Bartels, Dennis A., and Alice L. Bartels. When the North was Red. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1995.

Battiste, Marie. Decolonizing Education: Nourishing the Learning Spirit. Saskatoon: Purich Publishing, 2013.

Bayly, C. A. The Birth of the Modern World: 1780–1914. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2004.

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Canadian Welfare Council. Indian Residential Schools: A Research Study of the Child Care Programs of Nine Residential Schools in Saskatchewan. Prepared for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Ottawa: Canadian Welfare Council, 1967.

Canadien, Albert. From Lishamie. Penticton: Theytus Books, Limited, 2010.

Carter, Sarah. Lost Harvests: Prairie Indian Reserve Farmers and Government Policy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1990.

CBC-Radio Canada. “Going the Distance: Annual Report 2013–2014.”

Centre for Youth and Society. “Residential Schools Resistance Narratives: Strategies and Significance for Indigenous Youth.” University of Victoria, 27 March 2012. Research report prepared for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.

Chamberlin, J. Edward. If This is Your Land, Where are Your Stories? Finding Common Ground. Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 2003.

Chansonneuve, Deborah. Addictive Behaviours Among Aboriginal People in Canada. Ottawa: Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2007.

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Choquette, Robert. Canada’s Religions: An Historical Introduction. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2004.

Choquette, Robert. The Oblate Assault on Canada’s Northwest. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1995.

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Coccola, Nicolas. They Call Me Father: Memoirs of Father Nicolas Coccola. Edited by Margaret Whitehead. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1988.

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Cronin, Kay. Cross in the Wilderness. Vancouver: Mitchell Press, 1960.

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Dewar, Jonathan, David Gaertner, Ayumi Goto, Ashok Mathur, and Sophie McCall. “Practicing Reconciliation: a collaborative study of Aboriginal art, resistance and cultural politics.” Report commissioned by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools, 2013.

Diffie, Bailey W., and George D. Winius. Foundations of the Portuguese Empire, 1415–1580. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1978.

Dion, Joseph F. My Tribe the Crees. Edited and with an introduction by Hugh Dempsey. Second edition. Calgary: Glenbow Museum, 1996.

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